Interview to Alessandra Tonelli: International Peace tournament secretary-general

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The 30th edition of the Peace tournament brings the same amazing feel like improvement and grit of the other years, but there are even more news to discover!

One of them is the “role change” of Alessandra Tonelli, first responsible of the agonistic sector, that now has taken the role of secretary-general. She will now explain us in a few words the motivations of this change.

With the arrival of the thirtieth edition of the Peace Tournament, it can be seen an enlargement of the organization, like the birth of your role. Could you please explain which are your main tasks?

My role has been defined as “secretary general”, and it is a supervision and management of the different operative sectors of our committee. I am always in touch with every head sector and with the staff, as the President does; we help each other in order to improve the organization and to control that everything works as best as we can. 

Why has it been necessary to create this new role?

The organization of the tournament is complicating more and more: we have a lot of ideas and news to carry out to to make the experience of the participants the most exciting and unforgettable. We have to consider at the same time a higher need in terms of resources, especially human ones. Most of the responsibility is in charge of the executive and my figure should be an essential support to them and the entire staff, because I have worked with them for 5 years and I know quite well the mechanisms of this organisational machinery. best-of-torneo-pace-2016_22

It seems that the organization is going to be more “professional”. Will then the voluntary work disappear?

Voluntary work has always been the core of the event, and it will always be. We are used to repeat it, and we are very conviced that without the voluntary work of all the staff for the entire year, and of the Junior Team during the three days of the tournament, the tournament itself would not take place. My effort will be more structured than the other one’s, because I live in Trento and I have to plan my presence in Rovereto, due to the fact that meetings and gatherings with the sectors are imprescindibles to me. However, everyone in our young staff do his best to collaborate, coping with hard days full of study or work, leaded by passion or fun, and this has to be always our strenght.

What brings you to follow the Peace tournament for so many years? And which is the side you like most of the tournament?

As a sportswoman I adore the three days of Tournament, they’re my source of renewable energy for all the months of organization. I love to see the youths playing and staying together. For a team it’s a wonderful experience, the travel and the tournament with the team mates are outstanding and I’m proud to contribute in making it possible. And then, we’ve got to say that… we are a superrrr group and we have a lot of fun!

Interview realized by Astrid Panizza

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